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Ultimate Wine and Spirits, we're all about celebrating the unique and vibrant voices behind women-owned, Black-owned, and local wineries and distilleries. We curate our selection with care, showcasing products that stand out for their quality and–more importantly–tell a story of diversity and community empowerment. Supporting these businesses isn't just good ethics; it's about enriching our community and connecting with the stories behind each bottle. Let us help you find your new favorite drink! 
Women-Led Products
Brands like Corison Winery, Handley Cellars, and J Dusi Wines are known for their distinct approaches to viticulture and winemaking, often emphasizing sustainable practices and complex, expressive wines. These brands contribute not just excellent wines to the market but also champion the role of women in a traditionally male-dominated field, showcasing leadership, innovation, and craftsmanship.
Black-Led Products
Leaders like the McBride Sisters Wine Company, the largest Black-owned wine business in the U.S., showcase the sophistication and quality that these brands bring to the table. Brands such as Brown Estate, famous for its Zinfandel, and Maison Noir Wines, developed by noted sommelier André Hueston Mack, offer unique, delightful wines with compelling stories. These enterprises deliver exceptional wines and promote diversity and inclusion within the luxury wine market, each with deep roots in heritage and a passionate dedication to winemaking.
Local Wines
New York State is celebrated for its diverse and vibrant winemaking and distilling scene. The Finger Lakes region is particularly noted for its scenic vineyards like Bully Hill and Lakewood Vineyards, which are renowned for their approachable, high-quality wines and inviting atmospheres. The Hudson Valley adds historical richness with Brotherhood Winery, the oldest in America, alongside Tuthilltown Spirits, which pioneered whiskey production post-Prohibition. Long Island’s Castello di Borghese Vineyard further showcases the state’s wine culture with its award-winning wines. Each of these locales exemplifies New York State’s rich tradition in wine and spirits, offering unique experiences that highlight the area's agricultural and historical heritage. 
Local Spirits
New York State's distilleries are steeped in a rich heritage that taps deeply into the state’s early American roots, combining a love for traditional craftsmanship with a celebration of local flavors. Brands like Tuthilltown Spirits, which revitalized New York's whiskey production after Prohibition, and Kings County Distillery, New York City's oldest operating whiskey distillery, reflect a deep commitment to quality and local sourcing. They utilize grains and other ingredients from nearby farms, making the most New York's agricultural bounty. This not only supports the local economy but also ensures that each spirit—from bourbons to artisanal vodkas—is a true representation of its terroir. 